Q.2.3 Provide a few tips on how one can manage their digital footprint?


Here are some useful tips to help one manage their digital footprint:

1.     Be aware of what other people are saying about you online:

You can adjust your account settings to have notifications sent to you when other people mention you, tag you, like, comment or share content on your feed. You can also enable approval rights when you are tagged in other people’s posts or photos, so they don’t automatically appear on your timeline unless you’ve reviewed and approved them.

2.     Google yourself: 

It may sound narcissistic but if strangers are going to do it, you should too! Search for your name every few months so you’re cognizant of the information others have access to. 

3.     Be sure – get a second opinion on your profile pictures and text:

Ask a work colleague or friend if they would do business with the person in your profile? If not, change it and ask again.

4. Protect your personal data

Don’t disclose your personal address, phone number, passwords or bank card numbers. Consider using a nickname instead of your real name.

5. Scale back on social media:

Don't be on more social networking sites than you can handle. Keep the profiles you use frequently and delete any accounts you don't update often.
6. Be consistent and professional in what you say online:

Ensure your posts are truthful, factual, something you believe and something appropriate for your boss/parent/mentor to read. Operate under the assumption that nothing is private or sacred on the internet. It’s almost impossible to delete something permanently so if in doubt, don’t post. It’s also best to avoid getting drawn into a heated debate online in a public forum, or even in ‘private’ exchanges that could easily be shared unbeknownst to you.

7. Be current – have up-to-date information:

No matter what stage you’re at in your career, whether you are looking to do business, build your network or looking for a job – having up-to-date information on your profiles will ensure that people will be able to contact you and know what you’re about.

8. Be savvy – incorporate appropriate keywords in your profiles and posts:

Think about what words potential employers or recruiters would use in trying to find someone like you in relation to what you do. Incorporating keywords in your profile specific to your skills and job experience will help you get found in relevant searches, and will point employers to your background or interests as they relate to opportunities in their organization. It could also help you to expand your networks by connecting you with like-minded people.

9. Be considered with your contacts:

You can and should connect with whomever you like, but don’t feel the need to connect with people you don’t want or need to, or keep connections if they are a detriment to you.

10. Be accurate – check spelling and grammar in your profiles and posts:

Take time to check that your profile information and posts include correct spelling and grammar to maintain your aura of professionalism. It’s important to remember that poor writing, no matter how casual the communication, can be a big turn-off to someone checking up on you.

11. Be clutter-free – close down accounts you don't need:

There is no point in having accounts open or visible if you don’t use them.

12. Be thorough – check your profile settings periodically:

Make a habit of checking your profile settings periodically. Social networks are constantly evolving their platforms and as a result their terms, conditions and management settings may change too.

13. Be proud of your achievements:

Include extra information in your profiles about hobbies, interests, awards, volunteering and charity work. Friends, employers and business networks will all be interested to read about your other successes.






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